Нужно, 37 1) составить условное предложение третьего типа: 1. we (go) to the fores | the weather (be) fine. 2. you (see) many beautiful please | you (go) on the excursion. 2) поставить глагол в правильную форму: 1. i (buy) a new dress last week, but i (wear, not) yet. 2. "you (finish) your work yet? " - "yes i (finish, already) my work".

Nialya2727 Nialya2727    3   26.09.2019 21:50    0

Leonelle Leonelle  08.10.2020 21:11
1. We would have gone to the forest if the weather had been fine.
2. You would have seen many beautiful places if you had gone on the excursion.
1. I bought a new dress last week, but I haven't worn it yet.
2. "Have you finished your work yet?" - "Yes, I have already finished my work".
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