Нужно 1 . постройте предложение: 1 now,o'clock,is,two,it. 2 learn,do,how,people,languages? 3 the,sometimes,to children,library,go,sundays,on. 4 it,room,is,in,cold,your? 5 are,questions,now,boys,discussing,these. 2 . поставьте предлоги: 1 why are you looking _ me? 2 they get up _ 8 o'clock every day. 3 what does you family usually have _ supper? 4 _ the 8 of march we celebrate women's day. 5 the man is standing _ the window. 6 we go to the museum _ our friends.

MrFear41 MrFear41    1   22.08.2019 03:00    0

StopXpeople StopXpeople  05.10.2020 11:40
1. It is two o'clock now
2. How do people learn languages?
3. Children sometimes go to the library on Sundays
4. Is it cold in your room?
5. Boys are discussing these questions now
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