Нужна ваша !
i choose the correct verb
1. children learn /learns from playing.
2. good books always make /makes you read.
3. the furniture in our classr is /are new.

ii choose the correct one
1. the most /most animals can communicate,
2. dogs are the most/most intelligent animals.
3. the most /most people like to keep pets at home.
4. the mercedes is the most /most expensive of the three cars.

iii fill in the gaps with here is /there are
many ways of communication nowadays.
2. millions of blogs on the web.
iv insert it /its/it's
1. difficult to find old carpets nowadays.
2. every region carpet technology.
3. i didn't like very dark.

v open the brackets and use the correct tense form.
1. when the students (to return), theirfriends (to go) away.
2. the students (to solve) some ecological problems in the camp by sunday.

Сова00478902500 Сова00478902500    1   20.01.2020 12:35    0

BOSS11112711 BOSS11112711  11.10.2020 02:04


1. Children learn from playing.

2. Good books always make you read.

3. The furniture in our classroom is new.


1. Most animals can communicate.

2. Dogs are the most intelligent animals.

3. Most people like to keep pets at home.

4. The Mercedes is the most  expensive of the three cars.


1.  There are many ways of communication nowadays.

2. There are millions of blogs on the web.


1. It's  difficult to find old carpets nowadays.

2. Every region has its own carpet technology.

3. I didn't like colour. It's  very dark.


1. When the students return, their friends will go away.

2. The students will have solved some ecological problems in the camp by Sunday.


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