Нужна в английском языке. Тема:времена группы perfect continuous
1. Tom (to speak) to the customer since lunch time
2. Mark (to choose) a new telephone for an hour before he decided not to buy it
3.She said she (to look) for us for an hour.
4. By tonight I (to keep) to a diet for 2 weeks already.
5. When he came, she (to cook) dinner for half an hour.
6. I (to boil) the vegetables, you may cook salad.
7. At last I (to find) my documents.
8. We (to save) a lot of money for our holiday, and now we are going to Europe

РубчиHский РубчиHский    1   21.05.2020 00:08    6

erekeshevadinar erekeshevadinar  15.10.2020 03:26

1) Tom was speaking to the costumer since lunch time.

2)Mark was choosing a new telephone for an hour before he decided not to buy it.

3)She said she was looking for us for an hour.

4)By tonight I was keeping to a diet for 2 weeks already.

5)When he came,she was cooking dinner for half an hour.

6) I'm boiling the vegetables, you may cook salad.

7)At last I was finding my documents.

8)We were saving a lot of money for our holiday, and now we are going to Europe.

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