Нужна ! там няня на картинке рисует, пако читает, мая слушает музыку, чаклз ползет на дерево, лулу с ларри играют во что-то с картами. и : free time! look at the picture. then ask and answer. внизу: 1. chuckles/run? 2.nanny/swim? 3.maya/paint a picture? 4.larry and lulu /play the piano? 5.paco/read? все пример: is chuckles running? no, he isn't. he's climbing

anvasilovsckay anvasilovsckay    3   29.08.2019 21:10    4

Инга1702 Инга1702  06.10.2020 03:45
Is Nanny swimming? No, she isn't. She is painting a picture
Is Maya painting a picture? No, she isn't. She is listening to music.
Are Larry and Lulu playing the piano? No, they aren't. They are playing with cards
Is Paco reading? Yes, he is.
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