Нужна ! read and complete the text with the past forms of the verbs in brackets. the first potato crips one day, a come) to an expensive new york restaurant. order) chips for himself. a few minutes later tell) the waiter that he / to like) his chips, because they (to be) too thick. the waiter be) very angry. he (to go) into the kitchen (to take) a potato (to cut) it into very thin slices and (to put) the slices into a pan of very hot oil. then he (to come) back to the customer. to his surprise the customer (to say) that they (to be) very tasty. they (to become) the worlds first potato crisps.

AnnWer AnnWer    2   16.06.2019 02:50    0

amina340 amina340  12.07.2020 23:37
The first Potato Crips
 One day, a customer came to an expensive New York restaurant. He ordered chips for himself. A few minutes later he told the waiter that he didn't like his chips, because they was too thick. The waiter  was very angry. He went into the kitchen took a potato  cut it into very thin slices and put the slices into a pan of very hot oil. Then he came back to the customer. To his surprise the customer said that they was very tasty. They became the worlds first potato crisps.
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