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to Computer World».
Many companies computerized their offices because computers can do work more quickly and accurately than people. The computer stores and finds information and does calculations. This work is called data processing. The part of the computer that processes the data (information) is called the central processing unit. It contains only electronic components called microchips.
A computer can only do what it is instructed to do. This instructions that are stored in a computer are called the computer programs. The parts of the computer used by most people are called terminals. The terminals consist of α keyboard, which looks like a typewriter, and a visual display units, which looks like a television. Information put into the computer on the keyboard is called input. When the computer shows the result of the data processing on the video display unit, it is called output.
When a computer goes wrong, it is usually because there is something wrong with the input. In other words it is a mistake made by a person not by a computer. This is sometimes called GIGO (Garbage in, Garbage out).

To Use or not to Use.
Advantages and disadvantages of computers at work.
Interview: Ann, as a secretary, what do you think about the introduction of a computer into office life?
Ann: I don't really know. I think you are pushed into a new world - a keyboard world. It takes away the role of a secretary. Towards the end of the day you may feel that you unplugged yourself.
Interview: And you. Swan, as an office administrator, what do you think?
Swan: I am not very sure. All our bosses have them on their desks, but they don't use them. Senior management thinks that if they install a computer system in their office and give their staff a couple of days training, amazing new levels of efficiency will be attained. But that's not true. At first, things may get even worse.
Interview: What about you, Mark? You are a bank clerk.
Mark: I think it's very economical, computers are good time-saving devices. But I am sure that we are far from having exhausted the possibilities computers offer us. We are probably using only 1/3 of their capacity.
Mary, a typist: Computers made my life more difficult.
Interview: It seems that without organizing office work differently, introducing computers doesn't help much.

Boss: Anne, would you like a computer in your office?
Anne: I would, I think. I can type and thus use the keyboard to enter information. The monitor shows what you type, so you can correct mistakes very easily. Then the printer quickly produces what you need. They are excellent for storing information on a disk.
Boss: So you know how to use a computer?
Anne: I know only the simpliest things - timesaving tricks for a typist. Nothing more. But I am willing to learn.
Boss: Are you interested in taking a course?
Anne: Oh, yes, very much.
Boss: We'll see to that.

2. ответьте на во по тексту.
1. Why did many companies computerize their offices?
2. What work does a computer do?
3. How is this work called?
4. What is the function of the central processor unit?
5. What are computer programs?
6. How does a keyboard look?
7. Why does a computer go wrong?
3. Соотнесите.
1. Technical electronic devices
2. A person, who uses a computer
3. Something is wrong with a computer
4. A manipulator
5. It looks like a typewriter
6. A floppy disk.
7. Dialogical
8. Program devices

a. Software
b. a user
с Hardware
d. Interactive
e. computer breakdown
f. a diskette
g· a mouse
h. a keyboard

aska13aska aska13aska    3   06.04.2020 22:51    50

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