Нужна ! переведите из активной формы в пассивную 1 they arranged a nice picnic last month 2 students use computers at their lessons 3 the little boy drew these funny pistures 4 the teachers explained the rules of the game to the students 5 ann cooks a spesial dinner on the 21 (st) of may 6 our canadian exchange partners wrote the letters 7 builders broke the old bridge across the river

liza345789 liza345789    2   22.07.2019 00:30    5

ksyunik435 ksyunik435  03.10.2020 10:08
1.A nice picture was arranged by them last month
2.Computers are used at lessons by students
3.These funny pictures were drawn by the little boy
4.The rules of the game were explained to the students by the teacher
5.A special dinner is cooked on the 21 (st ) of May by Ann
6.The letters were written by our Canadian exchange partners
7.The old bridge across the river was broken by builders
Кристи1801 Кристи1801  03.10.2020 10:08
1 A nice picnic was arranged last month
2 Computers are used by students at their lessons
3 These funny picture was drawn by the little boy
4 The rules of the game were explained to the students by the teacher
5 A special dinner is cooked on the 21st of May by Ann
6 The letters were written by our Canadian exchange partners
7 The old bridge across the river was broken by builders
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