Нужен текст как я провел свои летние каникулы не менее 120 слов, 67

OoMaRиNкАoO OoMaRиNкАoO    1   06.05.2019 20:59    2

Qwertyuiopasdfghjkzz Qwertyuiopasdfghjkzz  06.05.2019 22:00

my summer holidays was very excited and interesting! in june i going to odessa for two weeks with my parents and friends. in july i going to summer camp with my best friend petro. we are having a lot of fun. but in august i stay at home, but i walking with my sister dogs. this summer was awesome!

Натульчик67 Натульчик67  06.05.2019 22:00

in my opinion, summer is the most beautiful time of the year, as it is very warm, everything is beautiful around and we have a great opportunity to relax. summer is also a time for holidays and vacations. we can go anywhere, have a wonderful time at the reservoir, in the shade of emerald green, splash in warm water. and you can go to the mountains, rush on a bike or play all sorts of games.

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