Нужен перессказ на ! , . the day of the surfing competition was hot and sunny. the waves were very big but nick was a strong swimmer and his new board was good. he sat on it in the water and waited. a big wave arrived and nick started to swim strongly. nick caught the wave well and stood up on his board. the people on the beach watched - it was exciting to watch. suddenly nick heard a noise. a surfboard hit his right arm. he fell from his board. a second big wave hit him and he saw brian`s board coming at him. his head went underthe water. the water was in his mouth. his arm was hurt. he started to swim but it was not easy. || he sat down on his board and moved slowly towards the beach. he was tired and it was difficult to move his right arm. when he arrived he put his board under his left arm. he could hardly walk people looked at him. some of them started to talk to him, but he didn`t want to talk. he sat on the beach and looked at the waves. janelle walked across the beach to him. "why did you fall, nick? that was a good wave? and you caught it very " it was brain. he came at me on his board and hit me. i hurt my arm-but perhaps it was an accident an accident? i don`t think so. i saw him - he cut across you. it was very dangerous well, i lost the competition. brain has won-it`s goodbye to my plans to go to australia before coolege

ПольгаБос ПольгаБос    1   28.06.2019 11:50    2

KekLol89 KekLol89  22.07.2020 18:02
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