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Kotya894 Kotya894    3   23.07.2019 05:30    1

WWW2017WWW WWW2017WWW  03.10.2020 11:22

Test. Past Simple

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.My working day (to begin) at six o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the TV and (to brush) my teeth. It (to take) me about twenty minutes.Classes (to begin) at eight. We (to have) lunch at about 2 o’clock. Ann (to be) a student.For breakfast they (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.She (to speak) English well.Mark (to take) a shower before going to bed.

2. Раскройте скобки в Past Simple. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.

He (to like) to play football.The pupils (to write) the compositionThe teacher (to enter) the classroom.Mary (to buy) a new hat yesterday.We (to go) to Tretyakov Gallery last year.Tom (to open) the door at 7 o'clock.You (to see) your friend last Sunday.They (to be) at school yesterdayThey (to work) in the garden.Children (to swim) in the river yesterday.

3. Вставьте глагол “to be” в требуемой форме Past Simple.

I ... a student. My father ... not a shop-assistant, he ... a scientist. ... your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she ... . ... they at home? - No, they ... not. They ... at school you an engineer? - Yes, I ... your friend a photographer? No, she ... not a photographer, she ... a student. ... your brothers at school? - Yes, they ... . ... this her watch? - Yes, it ... . Max ... an office-worker.  We ... late, sorry!4. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Past Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).They football at the institute. (to play)She emails. (not / to write) you English? (to speak)My mother fish. (not / to like) Ann any friends? (to have)His brother in an office. (to work)She ___ very fast. (cannot / to read) they the flowers every 3 days? (to water)His wife a motorbike. (not / to ride) Elizabeth coffee? (to drink)

5. Закончите предложение, выбрав глагол в нужном времени.

1. Не ... all the questions at the last lesson.

answers b) answered c) will answer

2. My sister ... English in a year.

learned b) learns c) will learn

3. I ... my homework every day.

a) do b) did c) will do

4. My parents … the letters three days ago.

didn’t write b) didn’t wrote c) didn’t written

5. I ... a funny cat yesterday.

draw b) drew c) will draw

6. Next year I ... this interesting film.

see b) saw c) will see

7. Did he ... a letter yesterday?

writes b) wrote c)write

8. ... it rainy yesterday?

Is b) Will be c) Was

9. We … the washing up two hours ago.

didn’t did b) won’t did c) didn’t do

10. They ... next Sunday.

meet b) met c) will meet

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