Нужен не перевод а ответы 1/ fill in with, by 1. the hall was decorated pink balloons 2.the roof of the church will be repaired local people 3.this material has been already published cambridge university press 4.the house was built money that he had borrowed from the bank 5.when the acciden happened, the car was brought police 2/ open the brackets using the past simple or past continuos 1 something ) out that window while i ) under it 2 when jane ) her saturday job at a flower shop she ) me flowers 3 dad ) me very well when i ) in his shop in the holidays 4 it ) while )the snowman 5 i ) the shop and then i ) this picture, so i ) it. 3/ cross out the unnecessary word 1 i am be going to see you 2 why is john will going to meet me? 3 she is gets up, switches on the radio and does his morning exercies 4 i have going to read this magazine 5 mark have had already done his hometask 6 nelly will be go to school next year 7 he was been brought the book in time 8 i came to the cafe for to buy a cup of coffee 9 my question was been answered yesterday 10 he be was given a cup of hot tea

софика4 софика4    3   25.03.2019 11:50    7

ApuCTokpaT1 ApuCTokpaT1  26.05.2020 18:55

1- with, 2-by, 3-by, 4-with, 5-by

3) .1.be 2.will 3. is 4.going 5.have 6.be  7.been 8.for 9.been 10 be

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