Now william and rose are playing,you but here comes mummy,it's time for tea! time for tea! time for tea! come on! come on! put your toys on the shelf and run,run,run! oh dear,poor sam! he's not on the shelf.he's there by the window. all by himself! it's windy today,look out! look out! oh dear, poor sam, can you hear him shout? . как произносить на

студент168 студент168    3   16.08.2019 18:20    1

antonzagarinp00ule antonzagarinp00ule  04.10.2020 23:17

[naʊ  ˈwɪljəm  ænd  rəʊz  

ɑː  ˈpleɪɪŋ,  

bʌt  hɪə  kʌmz  ˈmʌmi,  

ɪts  taɪm  fɔː  tiː!  

taɪm  fɔː  tiː!  taɪm  fɔː  tiː!  

kʌm  ɒn!  kʌm  ɒn!  

pʊt  jɔː  tɔɪz  ɒn  ðə  ʃɛlf  

ænd  rʌn,  rʌn,  rʌn!  

əʊ  dɪə,  pʊə  sæm!  

hiːz  nɒt  ɒn  ðə  ʃɛlf.  

hiːz  ðeə  baɪ  ðə  ˈwɪndəʊ.  

ɔːl  baɪ  hɪmˈsɛlf!  

ɪts  ˈwɪndi  təˈdeɪ,  

lʊk  aʊt!  lʊk  aʊt!  

əʊ  dɪə,  pʊə  sæm,  

kæn  juː  hɪə  hɪm  ʃaʊt]?

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