Новая форма
GRAMMAR, 7 класс
* Обязательно
2. go to the cinema every week. *

Some people
4. I don't earn to buy that car *

enough money
too much money
ФИО, класс *
3. helps their parents. *

Most people
1. in our class studies English. *

Most people
5. There's smoke here; I can't breathe. *

too much
too many
9. How long in Moscow? *

have you lived
have you been living
7. My manager says that I play well to win the competition. *

too much
10. He watching TV for three hours. *

has been watching
have been watching
6. I ate cakes and felt sick later. *

too many
too much
8. I in the garden since this morning. *

have been working
am worki

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