Nobody knows where his picture is. perhaps, it . 1. was stolen 2. will be stolen 3. has been stolen 4. stolen 2. i agree. you apologize for not inviting him to your birthday party. 1. can't 2. mustn't 3. shouldn't 4. may not 3. actually, today i feel than i did yesterday. 1. bad 2. worse 3. worst 4. the worst 4. people who are unemployed often feel depressed. 1. the 2. - 3. а 4. that 5. who was the first astronaut who landed on moon? 1. the 2. - 3. а 4. those

Ангелина545454 Ангелина545454    3   17.06.2019 09:50    16

bonbino1 bonbino1  02.10.2020 03:29
1. 3. has been stolen
2. 3. shouldn't
3. 2. worse
4. 2. -
5. 1. the
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