. Niagara Falls is between . *
A) of North America
B) the US and Africa
C) the US and Canada
D) the Canadian side
The Atlantic Ocean is the ocean in the world. *

A) largest
B) fourth largest
C) second largest
D) smallest
Balkhash is a famous lake in the of Kazakhstan. *

A) largest
B) northest
C) southwest
In which ocean is Hawaii? * *

A) in The Pacific Ocean
B) in The Atlantic Ocean
C) in The Indian Ocean
D) in The Arctic Ocean
Where is the Grand Canyon? *

A) Souht America
B) Europe
C) Australia
D) Norht America
Have you ever been to Burabai National Park? *

A) No, I have been
B) Yes, I been
C) Yes, I have been
D) No, I not been
7. Найди предложение в «Present Perfect» *

A) The taxi has just arrived.
B)The taxi have just arrived.
C)The taxi has just arrive.
D)The taxi have just arrive
8. Is Jim here? *

A) No, he hasn’t arrive yet.
B) No, he haven’t arrived yet.
C) No, he hasn’t arrived yet.
D) No, he not arrived yet.
9. It is the first time he a mountain. *

A) has climbed
B) has climbt
C) has climbing
D) have climbed
10. I’ve lived in the coutryside childhood. * *

A) since
B) for

тест по англ яз ​

FenomeN1703 FenomeN1703    3   11.12.2020 08:15    1

Руфина157 Руфина157  10.01.2021 08:17

1 C

2 C

3 B

4 A

5 D

6 C

7 A

8 C

9 C

10 A

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