Ng practicend complete the and coold.he fox and the besreddy the fox 1) /geuzibetty the bear. betty is in3) fredato see bets2 gadiyour garden, dear betty? toise3) plant e carrots,ce them whe5. "but how can wewhen they are 4) fredu" betty take the 5)/tops/ and i can take thefreddy answers. betty agreesreddy plants some carrotscanbetty," says freddrets mot 8) ltd. the carrots are ready, betty calls freddy. "come,av freddy. "let's divide the carrots. the tops are for you and the are for me." "this is not fair! " says betty the bear. "i the tops! " betty the bear is very angry. "no favours for freddy! " she says.malfreddy 10) /kims/please, dear bewant to plant sawants 14) /sam/ again and asks for another favour.dear betty," he says. "let me 11) juz/ your plant some 12) /melenz) " "ok," says betty: "butrime i 13) wont the roots! " "ok," says freddy and he melons. when the melons are ready freddyretty: "let's share the melons," he says. he cuts off the melons and them in his bag. "you can have the roots." betty isangry with herself that she goes into her house and doesn't 16) /spik/ to anyone.15) pots/ ​

tar02 tar02    1   12.05.2019 10:52    0

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