ner. 1с 5 Choose the correct word. 2 1 A house is also house/home to insects. 2 There's a spider in its web/phone. 3 These are his tidy/favourite jeans. 4 Cockroaches have their living/hiding place behind the fridge. 5 He's at home only/alone. 6 Keep your house clean and empty/tidy. 7 Ants and spiders are creepy crawlies/ bedbugs. 8 There's a scorpion in the place/corner of the room.

andreiantipov1 andreiantipov1    1   17.10.2021 19:50    2

missasha04 missasha04  17.10.2021 20:00

1. A house is also house to insects.

2. There's a spider in its web.

3. These are his favourite jeans.

4. Cockroaches have their living place behind the fridge.

5. He's at home alone.

6. Keep your house clean and tidy.

7. Ants and spiders are creepy crawlies.

8. There's a scorpion in the corner of the room.

1. Дом также является домом для насекомых.

2. Там паук в своей сети.

3. Это его любимые джинсы.

4. Место обитания тараканов – за холодильником.

5. Он дома один.

6. Держите свой дом в чистоте и порядке.

7. Муравьи и пауки – жуткие ползучие существа.

8. В углу комнаты скорпион.

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