Неправильные глаголы упражнения 1. Найдите в следующем списке глаголов неправильные и дайте все три формы этих глаголов.

come – want – use – give – eat – read – finish – take – try – ask – begin – help – let – play – leave – know – seem – work – think – swim – move – live – run – bring

2. Найдите в тексте 2-ую и 3-ю формы неправильных глаголов и распределите их в соответствующие колонки.

II форма III форма

…… ……

Chris is a professional artist. He fell in love with drawing when he was 3 years old. He spent all days long in the garden with a box of crayons and a drawing-pad. Now he has already sold more than 200 of his paintings. He has taken part in the International exhibition of modern artists this year and has won praise as the youngest artist there. Two years ago Chris met a nice girl, Anna. So last Saturday they got married and today they have flown to the Maldives.

3. Поставьте глаголы из скобок во II форму и переведите предложения.

1. He … (drive) his grandfather to the doctor.

2. Jack … (wear) a strange red tie.

3. Little Greg … (blow) out 5 candles on his birthday cake.

4. They … (hold) an opera festival in August.

5. We accidentally … (break) the umbrella.

6. My daughter … (lose) her way in a new city.

7. My mother … (make) vanilla pancakes in the morning.

8. Mary … (write) a long note in her diary.

9. Our cat … (catch) three mice in the garden.

10. I … (go) to the ballet school in my childhood.

4. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в III форму и переведите предложения.

1. My brother has … (take) his girlfriend to a Mexican restaurant.

2. Sam has … (fly) to Iceland

3. Susan has … (find) two interesting jobs at the agency this week.

4. I have already … (send) you about ten messages.

5. We have just … (meet) Mr. Jackson at the airport.

6. Where has your teacher … (go)?

7. Which wedding hat have you … (choose)?

8. Has Rachel ever … (be) abroad?

9. The train has just … (leave) the station.

10. I haven’t … (tell) her anything.

irunadp0a62f irunadp0a62f    1   25.01.2021 15:43    5

ннннн43 ннннн43  24.02.2021 15:43

1) come came come

give gave given

eat ate eaten

read read read

take took taken

begin began begun

let let let

leave left left

know knew known

think thought thought

swim swam swum

run ran run

bring brought brought


- fell - 2

- was - 2

- spent -2

- - sold 3

- - taken 3

- - won 3

- met - 2

- got - 2

- - flown 3

3) 1. drove

2. wore

3. blew

4. held

5. broke

6. lost

7. made

8. wrote

9. caught

10. went

4) 1. taken

2. flown

3. found

4. sent

5. met

6. gone

7. chosen

8. been

9. left

10. told
