(-) negative form/болымсыз сөйлем 1. I think we (have) fun at the weekend. (+)
2. He (win) the race. (-)
3. They
(pass) the exam easily. (+)
4. We (stay) at home on Friday. (-)
5. It (snow) tonight. (+)​

Vildan609 Vildan609    2   15.03.2021 13:20    0

Luna2904 Luna2904  14.04.2021 13:22

1 I think we will have fun at the weekend

2 He Won't win the race

3 They will pads the exams easily

4 We wont stay at home on Friday

5 ti will snow tonight

Prinsess1 Prinsess1  14.04.2021 13:22

1 I think we will have fun at the weekend

2 He Won't win the race

3 They will pads the exams easily

4 We wont stay at home on Friday

5 ti will snow tonight


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