Necesito ayuda 1. Oh look! It “is going to/ will” snow soon.

2. Next summer I “am going to/ will” backpack around Europe.

3. Ring! Ring! “I am going to/ I’ll” answer it.

4. I think our team “is going to/ will” win the match.

5. In 2055 robots “are going to/ will be” our teachers.

6. Tonight we “are going to have/ will have” a birthday party for my brother.

7. Sponge Bob “is going to/ will work” at the Crabby Patty tonight.

8. My friends “are going to/ will go” to the movies tonight.

9. I doubt that he “is going to/ will pass” the English test.

10. He “is going to/ will study” for the test tomorrow.

11. Be careful! You “are going to/ will drop” the dishes.

12. During summer vacation we “are going to/ will go” swimming every day.

13. I’m sure that you “are going to/ will find” your lost ring.

14. “I am going to/ will help” you carry your books.

15. Look out! That dog “is going to/ will bite” you if you get near him.

Vados2002k Vados2002k    2   29.06.2021 19:55    5

orlovaelvira orlovaelvira  29.06.2021 20:00
1)it is going to
2)I am going to
3) I’ll answer it
4) will
5)will be
6)are going to have
7)will work
8)will go
9)will pass
10) will study
11) you are going to drop
12) we are going to go
13) will find
14)I will help you
15) is going to bite
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