Не mike sorry i haven’t contracted you (1) ….. last week, but i’ve been very busy. i’ve (2) ….. to katowice in the south-west of poland (3) ….. a few days, and i’ve (4) ….. returned to my hotel in warsaw, from where i’m sending this email. i visited several firms when i was in katowice and one of them looks quite promising. i’ve (5) ….. seen their factory, and i’ve got some product samples to show you. unfortunately i haven’t met the guy in charge (6) ….. he wasn’t there – he’s (7) ..… to gdansk and should be back next week. so, the trip has been quite successful (8) ….. have you (9) ..… been to central europe? everything is changing very fast – i’ve (10) ….. seen so much building work going on. anyway, i’ll email you again later in the week to let you know what’s happening. regards, steve 1 a for b since c just d so far 2 a going b gone c being d been 3 a for b since c already d so far 4 a now b been c just d so far 5 a yet b already c been d gone 6 a just b already c now d yet 7 a goingb gone c being d been 8 a so farb yet c just d now 9 a yet b since c ever d never 10 a yet b since c ever d never

котяточка котяточка    3   22.07.2019 07:30    25

111mart111 111mart111  23.09.2020 14:59
Since, gone, for, just, already, yet, gone, so far, ever, never
GorkiyShokolaD GorkiyShokolaD  23.09.2020 14:59
1B 2B 3A 4C 5C 6D 7A 8A 9C 10D
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