1. open the brackets and complete the text. 
now i 1 (to have) a well-paid job because i got good education. 
i am going 2 (to tell) you now how it all (to begin). 
my parents (to send) me to boarding school at the age of ten. they (to choose) it for years. before i left home, i (to give) some spending money. that time i (not to know) if i needed it. of course, my father told me (to obey) the teachers. my parents (never to send) me away on my own before, so i felt a little nervous on the train. when i got on the train, i found that it 10 (to be) cold there. unfortunately i (to leave) my jacket at home. for three hours i (to think) if someone 13 (to pick) me up at the station. luckily i 14 (to pick up) and taken to school. a nice teacher showed me my room. when i came into it, i realised that i 15 (to share) it with other boys! i was shocked because nobody 16 (to tell) me about it. then some boys took me round the school and invited (to play) football. while i (to play) that game with my new friends i had an idea that i (to be) happy there. you know, those boys to be my friend since then.

ekaterinaf79 ekaterinaf79    2   13.10.2019 12:04    19

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