Найти глаголы прилагательные и существительные

all categories of coal can be used for electricity generation, although power plants have to be designed to handle specific types of coal: a plant designed to burn brown coal would not be capable of burning bituminous coal. coking coal always comes from the bituminous category. whilst all coking coals can be burned in suitably designed plants to generate electricity the reverse is not true in that not all bituminous coals can be converted into coke. an important feature of all coals used by the steel industry is that they should have as low a level of ash and sulphur as possible.

kattun kattun    3   25.11.2019 03:02    0

Blumster12 Blumster12  27.08.2020 17:15

Существительные (Nouns)  

category, coal , electricity , generation , power plant , type , plant , feature , steel industry , level , ash, sulphur

Прилагательные (Adjectives)

specific , brown , capable , bituminous , coking , important , low

Глагол ы (Verbs)

can , to use , to have , to be , to design , to handle , to burn , to come , to generate , to convert , should

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