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Chinese cuisine has countless delicious and fantastic dishes. The ingredients of Chinese cuisine are diverse and sometimes shock foreigners. Chinese cuisine varies even across China. There are many regional cuisines with different tastes: spicy, sweet, and sour. China has its own unique dining culture and etiquette, which foreign guests may find completely different from what they are used to. The Chinese use chopsticks to pick up food, not knives and forks. There is usually no salt and pepper shaker or tomato sauce on the table, but you can find bottles of soy sauce, vinegar and chili paste on the table. Some Chinese restaurants can be quite noisy and smoky, where people don't control their talking or Smoking volume. Tips are not expected in a Chinese restaurant, as the service fee is included in the meal price.

Melika09 Melika09    3   06.04.2020 14:15    0

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