Найдите в текстах уроков 7,8,9 пять предложений с группой времен perfect и пять предложений с группой perfect continuous. выпишите и переведите их. there are about 1700 schools in moscow, together with more than 90 colleges. more than 140 institutions of higher education train students in moscow. the largest of them are 105 state universities. most of them have been teaching students since 1930s. it was the time of rapid industrialization, the heroic age in the history of our country, the base for the future great victory in the most terrible war of the last century. rapid growth of industries required a great number of specialists, engineers, designers. many well-known scientists were students of those institutes at that time. by 1940s the ussr had become the third largest economy in the world, after the usa and germany. since that time our industry has been producing many systems of weapons and civil machinery. the largest university is the lomonosov moscow state university, which was founded in 1755. january 25 is still celebrated as students' day in russia.the main university building is located in vorobyovy gory (sparrow hills). it is 240 metres tall. it was completed in 1953. at that time it was the tallest building on the continent. the university has over 30,000 undergraduate and 7,000 postgraduate students. they have a choice of twenty-nine faculties and 450 departments for study. additionally, approximately 10,000 high school students take courses at the university. over two thousand researchers work there. the moscow state university library contains over nine million books. it is one of the largest libraries in the russian federation. over 11,000 international students have graduated from the university. many new students from other countries come to moscow to study at the university. the university has contacts with many universities in the world. since 1755 moscow university has been playing an important role in popularizing science and learning in russia. the lectures of its professors were often open to the public. the university buildings were burned down during the great moscow fire in 1812. the library, the archives, the museum and all the equipment were destroyed. after the war it was the joint effort of all educated people in russia that made the restoration of the university possible. books, ancient manuscripts, all kinds of collections and equipment came from research laboratories and scientists. thus 7,500 books had been collected for the university library by 1815. in spite of the difficult conditions, the academic year at moscow university started on 1 september, 1813. in 1820s the total number of students exceeded 500. in the early xix century moscow university attracted many free-thinking people. student groups lead by belinsky, gertsen, ogaryov were well known. they united the young people who discussed the future of russia. it was often a real battle of wits between the supporters of western ideas and those who thought russia had its own unique way of development.

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