Найдите P.V.(passive voice) В этом тексте:
Trevor: It was your first time in Australia, wasn't it? Pat:

Oh, yes!

It's an amazing country! Their summers are in winter. Australian animals are pretty funny. Their bears live in trees and are vegetarians.

Trevor: They are probably kept as pets.

Trevor: And what Pat:

are your first impressions of Australia?

Pat: No. The Australians keep duckbills as pets.

Trevor: What's a duckbill?

Pat: A duckbill is a mammal that lives in the water, lays eggs, has a duck's bill and sings like a nightingale. Trevor: Something like 'get three for the price of one'! Pat: Exactly. And Australia has the biggest grasshoppers in the world.

Trevor: Really? What are they called? Pat:

Kangaroos. The Australians hunt them with boomerangs.

That's why male kangaroos are called 'boomers' in

Australian slang.

Trevor: What's a boomerang? Pat: It's a kind of a coat hanger. You throw it away and

it comes back.

Trevor: What language do the Australians speak? Pat: Their own variety of English. Australian English is spoken

all over the country.

Trevor: Is Australian English different from British English? Pat:

Mmm Yes, as different as British English from American At least it's easy to understand. In Australia

English. The basic language is the same but the accent is different and some words and phrases are different.

someone who is not particularly smart 'doesn't have enough brains to give himself a headache' or is 'lamb-brained'.

Trevor: Pretty straightforward, isn't it? Are you going to write an article about Australia today?


basic smart




accent slang

Pat: No, I'm invited to a party. See you tomorrow. Trevor: See you later.

nastademirhanova nastademirhanova    3   16.01.2022 15:44    3

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