Найдите ошибки в образовании временных форм: 1. she don’t like to get up early. 2. i don’t be at home so late. 3. she is thinking that the film doesn’t be good. 4. we is looking for our copy-books. had you found yours yet? 5. tomorrow they shall go to the cinema and by 5 o’clock they will return home. 6. probably, we are going to visit you. 7. yesterday at 5 o’clock i watched tv. 8. by the time you was coming i did my home work.

alinapavlova alinapavlova    1   19.09.2019 05:00    1

KILLER435 KILLER435  26.08.2020 23:17
1.She doesn't like to get up early.
2. I shan't be at home so late.
3. She thinks that the film will not be good.
4. We are looking for our copy books. Have you found yours, yet?
5. Tomorrow they will go to the cinema and by 5 o'clock they will have returned home.
6. Probably we'll visit you.
7. Yesterday at 5 o'clock I was watching TV.
8. By the time you came I had done my homework.
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