Найдите ошибки или недочеты choosing a career is not always easy and requires some serious thinking. you can be encouraged or discouraged by your parents, teachers or friends. the first questions that you need to ask yourself is «what do i want from my career? » than you have to ask yourself «what an i good at? » if you do well math and scines ,it may be worth thinking about engineering? air traffic control or if you are good at arts, think of jobs explain in graphic or industrial design. one more question to answer is «do i have social skills? ” if you get on well with people, you may think about social work,teacher or personal manager. some professions require a university education. ask yourself «will i be able to cope with a long period of study? » if you want to become, for example, a doctor,a lawyer or a teacher, prepare for hard work. so to sum up,you need to thing about you are like,as weel as what the lob is like and what it may give you.

Nialya2727 Nialya2727    2   28.09.2019 04:00    2

сом03 сом03  08.10.2020 23:53

Future career. Than you have (then, а не than). What an I good at (am, а не an).

If you do well math and scines ( Скорее лучше написать If you are good at math .. ; второе слово "scines" не понял. чё ты хотел сказать?)

If you are good at math and *** then it may be worth to think about engineering and air traffic control. (готовое предложение, ток надо вставить второй предмет)

For example, if you are good at arts then you should think about web-design and etc.

you may think about social workS

require aN university

To sum up, you need to think about what you are like, as well as what the job is like and what it may give you.

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