Найдите ошибки и внесите изменения в предложения (на мн. число): 1. i’ve got two brother and four sister. 2. it’s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree. 3. there are a lot of sheep in that field. 4. do you make many mistake when you speak english? 5. she’s married and she has got three childs. 6. most of my friend are students. 7. he put on his pyjama and went to bed. 8. we went fishing but we didn’t catch many fish. 9. there are three people in the car, two women and a man. 10. i like your trouser. where did you get it? 11. the town centre is usually full of tourist. 12. this scissor isn’t very sharp. 13. i’d like to ask you a few questions. 14. how much books did you buy today? 15. there hasn’t been many rain this spring. 16. i’ve already drunk too much coffee today. 17. there wasn’t many good news on tv. 18. i can’t get much information about the accident.

Lusi28 Lusi28    3   27.08.2019 09:50    0

voirakbarov5gmailcom voirakbarov5gmailcom  05.10.2020 22:33
1) brothers, sesters
2) trees
3) sheep (слово исключение)
4) mistakes
5) не CHILDS, а children
6) friends
8) fishes
9) peoples, men
10) trousers
11) tourists
12) scissors
13) a few
14) many (вместо much)
15) much (вместо many)
16) a little (вместо too much)
17) weren't (вместо wasn't)
18) a lot of (вместо much)
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