Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте: Буфет, вешалка, вытяжка, газовая плита, горшок, двуспальная
кровать, двухъярусная кровать, девятиэтажка, держать в чистоте и
порядке, домашний кинотеатр, зеркало, книжная полка, коврик, комод,
комплект, кофеварка, кухонная утварь, люстра, микроволновая печь,
многоквартирный дом, морской пейзаж, музыкальный центр,
мусоропровод, обои, остеклённая дверь, открытый для перемен,
подоконник, подушка, постельное бельё, посудомоечная машина,
потолок, принимать гостей, прихожая, просторный, светлый, сервант,
снять стресс, современные удобства, «стенка», туалетный столик,
уютный, шифоньер, шторы, электрический чайник.
We live in a typical block of flats not far from the centre of the city. It
is a high nine-story building in Pushkin Street with all the modern
conveniences, such as electricity, gas, central heating, hot and cold water, a
lift and a rubbish chute.
Our flat is on the fifth floor. It is neither big, nor small and consists of
three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.
The living-room is a place where we come together to have a rest or
receive guests. It is rather spacious and light with two large windows and a
French door leading to the balcony. There are some flowers and a cactus in
the pots on the window sills. In the middle of the room there is a thick carpet
on the floor and a nice chandelier on the ceiling. To the right by the wall you
can see a new wall unit comprised of a sideboard and some book-shelves.
Here we have a TV set of modern design with internet connection, a home
theatre system and a music centre. On the opposite side we have a set of a
sofa with soft cushions and two arm-chairs. There are a number of pictures
hanging on the walls. These are mostly Russian landscapes and seascapes.
The wall paper is light-green that helps relieve stress and relax.
The bedroom is not large. It has only one window with luxurious
golden curtains. Here we have a big double bed, a bedside-table with a lamp
on one side and a dressing table with a mirror on the other side. In the corner
there is a high wardrobe where we keep clothes and bed linen. The walls are
of pleasant light-pink colour.
The children’s room is about the same size as the bedroom. You can
see here a bunk bed, a wardrobe and a writing desk at the window. There is a
computer and a lamp on the desk. The room is nice and cosy and the children
like to spend time there.
Our kitchen is rather comfortable. There is enough space to have meals
for all the members of the family. We have many modern appliances like a
fridge, gas stove, cooker hood, microwave oven, dishwasher, coffee maker,
toaster and an electric kettle. In the middle there is a dining table and some
chairs. You can see a cupboard against the wall and a few shelves with
cooking utensils.
The hall is small. It has a coat rack, chest of drawers for shoes, mirror
on the wall and a door mat at the entrance.
As the saying goes, East or West, home is best. It is the place where
you spend a considerable part of your life. We like our flat and try to keep it
neat and tidy. On the whole, I am satisfied with it, but nevertheless I am open
to change and ready to do my best in order to improve it.
Буфет - a cupboard
вешалка - a coat rack
вытяжка - a cooker hood
газовая плита - a gas stove
горшок - a pot
двуспальная кровать - a double bed
двухъярусная кровать - a bunk bed
девятиэтажка - a nine-story building
держать в чистоте и порядке - keep neat and tidy
домашний кинотеатр - a home theatre system
зеркало - a mirror
книжная полка - a book-shelf
коврик - a carpet
комод - a chest of drawers
комплект - a set
кофеварка - a coffee maker
кухонная утварь - cooking utensils
люстра - a chandelier
микроволновая печь - a microwave oven
многоквартирный дом - a block of flats
морской пейзаж - a seascape
музыкальный центр, - a music centre
мусоропровод - a rubbish chute
обои - wall paper
остеклённая дверь - a French door
открытый для перемен - open to change
подоконник - a window sill
подушка (диванная) - a cushion
постельное бельё - bed linen
посудомоечная машина - a dishwasher
потолок - the ceiling
принимать гостей - receive guests
прихожая - a hall
просторный - spacious
светлый - light
сервант - a sideboard
снять стресс - relieve stress
современные удобства - modern conveniences
«стенка» - a wall unit
туалетный столик - a dressing table
уютный - cosy
шифоньер - a wardrobe
шторы - curtains
электрический чайник - an electric kettle