Найди видео The Symbolic Meaning of Flowers (Southern Living). Найди в нем информацию о символическом значении цветов в Англии. Соотнеси каждый цветок с его символическим значением. The symbolic meaning behind flowers. 1 Peony a. expresses romance 2 Red Rose b. expresses love and gratitude 3 English Daisy c. is a bright symbol of new beginnings 4 Pink Rose d. conveys honor and beauty 5 Hydrangea e. is for enduring love for family 6 Lily f. is tied to motherhood 7 Tulip g. is for sincere love and devotion 2. Преобразуй предложения из действительного залога в страдательный. 1 Paul and his parents are watching a documentary about English animals. A documentary about English animals is being watched by Paul and his parents . 2 Lucy and Oliver are not watching the documentary. 3 Olivia is studying the life of otters. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Clark are breeding ducks and turkeys. 5 Paula is brushing her horse.