Напишите й 10 предложений во времинах past perfect и past perfect continues

marina2770 marina2770    2   04.06.2019 19:40    2

amina318 amina318  05.07.2020 16:08
Past Perfect.

1.By six o'clock on Sunday I had already learned all the words.
К шести часам в воскресенье я уже выучил все слова.
2.She had left by the 1st of June.
Она уехала (еще) до первого июня.
3.She had written only two letters by noon.
К полудню она написала только 2 письма.
4.When we came to the station the train had already gone.
Когда мы приехали на станцию, поезд уже ушел.
5.She had just made coffee when I arrived.
Она только что сделала кофе, когда я пришел.
Past Perfect Continious.
The Browns explained that they had been growing tomatoes in the greenhouse since they bought the summer cottage. — Семья Браунов объяснила, что они выращивают помидоры в теплице с тех пор, как купили летний домик.
Tom had been watching the film for 2 hours when the TV screen suddenly went blank. — Том смотрел фильм 2 часа, когда экран телевизора внезапно побелел.
Pat said that the teacher had been waiting there for an hour. — Пит сказал, что учитель ждал в течение часа.
How long have you been sitting in front of the TV set before you decided to eat? — Как долго ты сидел перед экраном телевизора, перед тем, как решил поесть?
Mary felt tired as she had been singing for several hours. — Мэри чувствовала себя уставшей, так как пела несколько часов.
Хфк Хфк  05.07.2020 16:08
I had been in india
i had done my homework by 7 oclock yesterday
i had done my homework before my mother came
he bought a car after he had saved enuogh money
when she arrived at the theatre he had bought the tickets

she had been sleeping for 3 hours when we returned
we had been travelling for a week when the car broke down
she had been crying 
she had been sleeping
he had been swimming
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