Напишите все вопросы к предложению: his brother washes his car in the yard on sundays

ДиКабиден1000 ДиКабиден1000    3   06.09.2019 11:20    0

nizomabdurahmon nizomabdurahmon  06.10.2020 21:07
What does his brother wash in the yard on sundays?
Where does his brother wash his car on sundays?
When does his brother wash his car in the yard?
What does his brother do in the yard on sundays?
ника2552 ника2552  06.10.2020 21:07
Whose brother washes car in the yard on Sundays?                                        Who washes his car in the yard on Sundays?
Were his brother washes his car on Sundays?
What his brother washes in the yard on Sundays?
When his broher washes his car in the yard?
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