Напишите всё в , очень нужно, для кр

1. Linda translated the texts without dictionary.
2. I shall invite my friends to my birthday party.
3. They will hold a meeting soon.
4. Lucy didn't write the test yesterday.
5. Sam chose a nice present for his girlfriend
6. Rita will buy flowers for her mother
7. People lose things in buses every day.
8. We buy flowers at the florist's.
9. We often see this poor man in our street.
10. Millions of people use computers today.​

Sa4eR Sa4eR    1   18.03.2021 14:51    0

losp losp  18.03.2021 15:00

1. The texts were translated by Linda without dictionary.

2. My friends will be invited to my birthday party.

3. A meeting will be held by them soon.

4. The test wasn't written by Lucy yesterday.

5. A nice present was chosen by Sam for his girlfriend.

6. Flowers will be bought by Rita for her mother.

7. Things are lost by people in buses every day.

8. Flowers are bought by us at the florist's.

9. This poor man is often seen in our street.

10. Computers are used by millions of people today.


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