Напишите все, . сама ничего не могу открой скобки, используя превосходную степень прилагательных. пример: jane is … girl in our class. (tall) jane is the tallest girl in our class. 1) this house is … house in our town. (big) 2) this classroom is … classroom in my school. (comfortable) 3) this book is … book in this library. (bad) 4) peter is … boy in her class. (clever) 5) ann is … girl in their class. (smart) 6) this film is … (interesting)

досметова досметова    2   26.05.2019 08:40    0

Andriyko2033 Andriyko2033  01.10.2020 12:02
1) The biggest 2) the most comfortable 3) the worst 4) the cleverest 5) the smartest 6) the most interesting
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