Напишите текст про технологии vr реальность, компьютеры, смартфоны, на ваш выбор 120/160 слов. на . можно употреблять самые простые предложения, слова .главное попасть в отметку по колличеству слов.

sashocpinchuk sashocpinchuk    1   19.09.2019 22:10    0

ната118845 ната118845  08.10.2020 03:09

Computer is one of the greatest invention за the world.everyone needs computer knowledge dispired their proffession.ordinary computer can remember only the dara stored in the hard disk.now scientists have desighed machines that are capable of learning from experience and remembering what they have learned.information science with the ideas and message of processing and storing information is of great importance today.thats why computer technology must be use in secondary school.the pupils teach computers to investigate school problems.school computers are used not only for studying information science but also examination purposes.there are many kinds of computers such as notebook, pocket and others.we use computer for studying, learning new,to find some information,working,doing homework and of course playing games.i believe that it’s a good idea to spend free time playing computer games.i guess people must work on computer not more then 2 hours a day. But there is a dark side of rhe problem.modern children spend too much time in front to computers.they live in virtual space forgetting about real world.it causes phychological problems such people have difficults relationship in their family.playing games too much hurts their eyeside.they read less, they aren’t fond of anth but computer games.and sometimes much people must be treated by doctors.

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