Напишите текст можно не большой.imagine you are visiting a friend in a different city for the weekend. it’s now saturday evening. write an email to someone in your family and tell them about your weekend. write 90 – 100 words. remember to write about: *the place you are visiting *people you are staying with *good/bad things about the place *two things you did *two things you are going to do tomorrow

Scvetocheek1 Scvetocheek1    2   07.07.2019 03:00    3

artemka222288 artemka222288  30.07.2020 06:53
But mother bought chocolate cake with cream roses.We seated to the car and rode to the Alice's hous.After ten min. car stoped and  saw nice hous with flowers on the windows.When included inside I saw many vases with peones.Alice liked my present and after Hide-and-sik we ate a cake.It was delicious.When we rode back I asleep.Tomorow I will go to the school and see my friends.What are you did last weekends?
I hope they was nice
Best wishes 
(твое имя)
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