Напишите сообщение о климате,зверушках, растениях в антарктиде на предложений 5-7(грамотно) 30

leonidkhadzhinov leonidkhadzhinov    2   13.09.2019 12:40    1

rrv1803 rrv1803  21.08.2020 07:28
Today we are went to the Antarktida, one of the most beautiful place on Earth. The smallest temperature what people could see there is -91,2. You Also can find in Antarktida a lot of fantastic animals like penguins or sea elephants. In fact they are really cute. However, Antarktida is quite cold place what not very good for plants but you still can find them. This is lichen and moss. I think that Antarktida one of the best places in the world with exciting animals and beautiful plants.
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