Напишите сочинение по теме зоопарк на языке 30-50 слов 100 ​

Oхxxymiron Oхxxymiron    3   19.03.2019 15:53    0

matveeva192016 matveeva192016  26.05.2020 04:19

Last weekend we went with parents and class to the zoo. It was just wonderful. Somewhere at 10 am we gathered at the zoo. Bought a special food to pamper its inhabitants. Of course, they took sweets, balls and a camera - but this, of course, already for themselves. And after passing the ticket control, they went to watch the birds. There were a lot of them, with different colors, voices and behavior. Some of them are predators, like hawks and eagles, and some are quite peaceful and eat bread with pleasure. Especially I remember the pink flamingos, which seemed to be doused with gouache - such incredible. Then there were predators for several cells. Live tigers, panthers, bears, lynxes. Next we looked, probably, the most sociable inhabitants of the zoo - monkeys. They not only easily communicate with each other and seem to be amused over their relatives, but also bravely pull their paws-pens to all visitors. Monkeys show off their cleverness and ingenuity. They are so arrogant that they took the banana out of the hands of my classmate and immediately got him killed. Funny almost to the point of colic. Walking further along the zoo, we witnessed a quiz, where zoo workers asked visitors questions about animals. The whole class managed to answer the greatest number of questions - and we won a white fluffy rabbit, which now became another inhabitant of our living corner in the school. We called the rabbit Filka, and now in turn brings him delicacies from the dining room and at home. A few more guys from the class were riding a pony, Mishka Kuznetsova, a large white-red-haired cow licked her cheek, I managed to stroke the soft muzzle of a lama. This is how our Sabbath passed at the zoo.

правда14 правда14  26.05.2020 04:19

Every day I go to the zoo, and every day I learn something new. I see lions, cute rabbits, as well as a huge number of different birds. In front of the zoo, I always take a little pet food, and already in the zoo I am allowed to feed them. My favorite animal is the white rabbit, as well as the big orange lions. I really like the zoo!


Каждый день я иду в зоопарк, и каждый день узнаю что-то новое. Я вижу львов,  милых кроликов, а также огромное количество различных птиц. Перед зоопарком, я всегда беру немного корма для животных, а уже в зоопарке мне разрешают их кормить. Моё любимое животное это белый кролик, а также большие оранжевые львы. Мне очень нравиться зоопарк!

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