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Cat09112005 Cat09112005    1   05.09.2019 09:00    0

омега75 омега75  06.10.2020 19:00

Now I am going to speak about one of the most popular vital problems of the day. The problem is about being a vegan or a vegetarian. Everybody has his own opinion. But now I will try to explain mine.



First of all, we should understand that vegans and vegetarians are people who cannot eat meat, fish, eggs, and even drink milk. Such people cannot imagine how to eat a dead animal. So we should respect their tastes and opinion. These people think that eating only vegetables and fruit is very healthy, and so you can live longer. You may not be afraid of various diseases. From their point of view, meat or milk contain lots of harmful nutrients. For some people being a vegetarian is a kind of a diet. Thousands of women all over the world try to take care of themselves. They want to be beautiful, thin, and sporty. They do not eat for hours or become a vegetarian. It may be terrible. But sometimes it can be helpful.

As for me, I am a teenager. I need lots of various vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Meat, milk, eggs contain all these nutrients which help me to grow, to be healthy, to keep fit. For example, bodybuilders need to eat a lot of meat and daily products which contain proteins, calcium, and other helpful nutrients to build muscle mass. If they did not eat any meat their, body would be lean and ugly. If you are taking part in hike or if you are lost in the forest, you cannot survive without meat or eggs. It gives you energy. I do not think that after eating cabbage, carrot or broccoli you can walk for hours, climb tress and rocks, and run fast if it is necessary. 

In conclusion, I would like to stress that if you want to be healthy and beautiful, and keep fit you should eat healthy food, do sport, and do not smoke or drink alcohol. But tastes differ. And everybody can have his own opinion.
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