Напишите сочинение на тему: "how can i build my own character"? p.s. 22

gxd594 gxd594    1   21.09.2019 23:10    2

alina28042002 alina28042002  27.08.2020 01:30
The first task was to create my person. The name I chose was Lynn. That is my middle name. My very common first name was already being used. I chose the teddy bear icon for a couple of reasons. The first is that I like teddy bears. It also didnt give any indication of my physical appearance. Teddy bears often are perceived as cuddly and cute. That is the impression that I wanted people to have of me. The lack of a physical picture leaves the reader to rely on the description that I reveal to them. The reader can only make assumptions about me, based on what I allowed them to see of me. I left the description brief and vague. 
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