Напишите с какими словами употребляются эти глаголы 1) to 2) to 3) to 4) to варианты: a horse, football, a square, the piano, in the sea, a picture, a bicycle, in the sky, an elephant. : write questions. ask your friends. 1)who 2)can 3)when can

kupmvik kupmvik    1   11.07.2019 05:50    1

Shock228ru Shock228ru  17.09.2020 17:47
1) to ridean elephant;  a horse;  a bicycle.
2) to swimin the sea.
3) to flyin the sky.
4) to drawan elephant; a picture;
 football; a square; the piano.

Write questions. Ask your friends.
1). Who can ride an elephant?
2). Can you swim well?
3). When can you draw the picture?
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