Напишите рассказ о себе на языке с употреблением use to.(5 предложений будет достаточно)

оуоуо оуоуо    1   16.09.2019 08:10    1

reor1878p02hjw reor1878p02hjw  07.10.2020 19:18
My name is and I'm .. years old. I used to wake up about 7 o'clock and my friends think that it's early. Than I always go to school and it's borin there, but I used to it. But when I have weekands or holidays it's very intresting, so I used to appreciate them. I hope this school will end some day.
krikovaluba krikovaluba  07.10.2020 19:18
Я знаю с used to
I used to play with toys.
I used to play football with father.
I used to play puzzles.
I used to have many friends.
 это задание что я делал до 10 лет
надеюсь все правильно я просто новичок
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