Напишите предложения во множественном числе. 1.that is her book. she likes to study english. listen! he is speaking english. перепишите предложения, вставив is,am,are. и переведите их. 1.where you from? 2.i glad to see you. how you? 3. the dog in the garden. 4. tom's parents travel agents. 5. your money in your handbag.

murat121221 murat121221    1   19.08.2019 11:50    2

katrina7 katrina7  20.08.2020 11:55
1. These are her books.
2. They like to study English.
3. Listen! They're speaking English.
1. Where are you from?
2. I'm glad to see you. How are you?
3. The dog is in the garden.
4. Tom's parents are travel agents.
5. Your money is in your handbag.
ress334 ress334  20.08.2020 11:55
These are her books.
They like to study english.
They are speaking english.
1.Where are you from?
Откуда ты?
2.I am glad to see you.How are you?
Я рад/я тебя видеть.Как ты (себе чувствуешь)?
3.The dog is in the garden.
Собака в дворе.
4.Tom's parents are travel agents.
Родители Тома турагенты.
5.Your money is in your handbag.
Твои деньги в твоей суме.
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