Напишите предложения в косвенной речи
1. Do you live in Brazil? – They asked her …
2. Is Johnny dancing rock-n-roll? – She asked …
3. Did you go to the swimming pool yesterday ? – We asked him ..
4. Has Lara finished her lunch? – I asked her …
5. Will you show me your paintings? – He asked Nick …
6. Can I go to the playground? – My sister asked me …
8. Had Mike produced dairy products? – They asked …
9. Where are they? – I asked …
10. How often do you buy magazines?– She asked him …
11. When will the ceremony start? – I wanted to know …
12. How many fish has he caught? – We asked them …
13. Why did you play a trick on her? – I asked him …

tar02 tar02    2   13.04.2020 09:13    4

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