Напишите предложения. используйте примечания. , ну сильно нужна ваша . 1 there / be / lot / planes / in / sky / today 2 some / cat / not / be / afraid / water! 3 there / be / no / tickets / for / concert / yesterday evening. 4 jason / use / some / rubber / plastic / and / wood / to build / small boat / last summer 5 how / long / be / peter's / hair? 6 be / there / any / space / to / put / some / baggage / in / car? 7 we / not / see / any / customers / at / restaurant / last night 8 you / can / give / me / some / money / for / school trip?

Ivanlabur Ivanlabur    3   02.09.2019 20:20    0

Marieta111 Marieta111  10.08.2020 08:47
1 there are a lot / planes / in / sky / today
2 some / cats are / not  afraid of water!
3 there were / no / tickets / for the concert / yesterday evening.
4 Jason / used some / rubber / plastic / and / wood / to build a small boat / last summer
5 how / long is Peter's / hair?
6 Is there / any / space / to / put / some / baggage / in the car?
7 we did not / see / any / customers / at the restaurant / last night
8 Could you give / me / some / money / for the school trip?
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