Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению,ничиная их словами,данными в скобках. 1.the child got up at five o clock.( 2.we saw the portrait of pashkin in the library.( 3.it rained all day yesterday.( 4.the teacher gave the boy a bad mark for geography.( 5.the schoolboy did his mathematics in the morning.( 6.the friends spoke over the telephone about the concert.(? )

иришка19911 иришка19911    3   30.05.2019 04:40    1

Mashka168363838 Mashka168363838  29.06.2020 21:48
1. When did the child get up?                                                                   
2. Where did we see the portrait of Pashkin?                                                
3 Did it rain all day yesterday?                                                                                    4. Who gave the boy a bad mark for geography?                                            
5. Who did his mathematics in the morning?                                           
  6.What did the friends speak about over the telephone?                    
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