Напишите по моя семья состоит из 4 человек . мама, папа, я и моя младшая сестра.мама работает в саду воспитателем, папа тракторист .сестра в сад ходит .я учусь в 4 классе . у нас семья дружная и хорошая .люблю маме и играть с сестрой.

Анелька0 Анелька0    3   01.06.2019 15:10    0

Cанек3017 Cанек3017  01.10.2020 16:31
​1My family consists of 4 people 2​mam, dad, me and my younger sister 3mam works in ​educator, dad tractor 4​sister goes to kindergarten 5 I​ study in grade 4   6​ Our family is friendly and very good  7  ​I like to help my mother and play with his sister.
kinderlolo19999 kinderlolo19999  01.10.2020 16:31
My family consists of 4 members: mather, father, me and my younger sister.Mother working educator in the garden, father tractor driver. Sister walks in the kindergarten. I'm in the 4th grade. We have family friendly and very nice. Love helping mather and sister to play with.
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