Напишите письмо на на тему "письмо другу в лондон"от женского лица 60-80 слов

Vika2002588 Vika2002588    1   20.05.2019 02:40    4

JlU40K JlU40K  13.06.2020 09:23

Dear Lynn!
Thank you very much for your letter which you sent me in August. I am very glad to know that you have everything in order. Our family misses you. We hope to see you next year.
Could you send me books that mention during his time in St. Petersburg? I would be very grateful to you, because I need them for work.
Thank you.
Best wishes.
а тут своё имя 

sking09 sking09  13.06.2020 09:23

Dear Peter, 
Your nice postcard has reached me safely. I have duly noticed your change of address and made a note of it in my address book. 
As to me I haven't much news to tell you except that I may be going to Britain for a month or so in the autumn. You'll be hearing from me about it in the near future. 
Yours, А сверху можешь написать имя своего друга или подруги .

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